

Sorry, this site has become a little stale, new information is hosted at the MSCARE saste

Bug Camp 2009 will return to Mississippi State’s campus this year and we will be only hosting one. Mark your calendars - June 14 - 18, 2009. And, after too long of an absence, Dr. Jerome Goddard is back! He has recently joined the MSU Entomology and Plant Pathology Department and we are looking forward to his humorous sessions and briefing on medical entomological topics. No doubt we will see some old timers returning for this. We will be making a few trips to the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge to collect and there are some other activities we have never done before that we are working on, that I am sure you will not want to miss.

We are experimenting with several things this year including online registration. Go to

http://www.cfr.msstate.edu/wildlife/conservation_camp/index.asp and scroll down to Basic Insect & Plant Ecology - this is what you are looking for!

For the past few years we have been developing an insect - plant interaction component for camp, and this year we are growing the plant component. Dr. Lelia Kelly, who has been camping with us for years, is working overtime to prepare exciting plant activities to accompany our standard entomological events. I can promise you your teachers never showed you some of the things you will see plants do during camp this summer!

We will be holding camp on campus at Mississippi State University this summer. We will use a log cabin on Blackjack road that belongs to the Wildlife and Fisheries Department as our base of operations and stay in the dorms. Since we are back on campus you can expect some interesting events at the Clay Lyle Entomology Building. We are just beginning to set these up, and as we do, we will share a few with you through the Gloworm.

Parents who accompany campers and campers who come with a brother and sister will get a little financial break at last. For years we have wanted to provide families with a little help so we are experimenting with this as a way to encourage families to camp and collect together.

If you have questions about camp please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be reached at 662-325-3482 or by e-mail at




Favorite Links

Weather:2009 Who Knows what the weather will be, but fun will be had by all!

Here are some links of interest back to the MSU Cares and MSU Entomology Sites

Photo Album

Other Areas of Interest

Wall Doxey State Park, Bug Camp 2006

See buttons on left side bar, more to be added as time permits

Tim Groman's Home page


Profile for SparkyTheFireDog



This site was last updated 06/21/11